+44 (0)2392 699873 [email protected]

Become a Supporter or an Affiliate

To Serve those who Serve


Your connection to us is important. We welcome your involvement, whether you just want to follow what we do, make us of our resources or you wish to donate to the organisation.


Be a Supporter

To become a Supporter of the Naval & Military Bible Society please provide your details in the Keep in Touch section below. As a Supporter you will receive regular electronic updates on the progress of projects, information on new initiatives and the occasional prayer request.

Become an Affiliate

We would appreciate you contributing to our efforts, to do this please action the donate button above, which will take you our Donate Page. On this page you can either give a one-off amount or a recurring donation. As a donor you will become an Affiliate of the Naval & Military Bible Society. As an Affiliate you will receive all the updates received by a Supporter as well as several mailed newsletters throughout the year.

Order resources

All the resources in our online shop are available free of charge. However if you can give the suggested donation, it helps us to cover the production costs and make resources available to those who may not be able to afford them.  

Keep in Touch

If you would like to become a supporter of the Naval & Military Bible Society then please fill out your contact details in the form below. By being a supporter we will keep you informed of what we are up to: Including, projects reports, new initiatives and prayer requests.

Contact Us

For more information about the work of NMBS, please call, email or send a message

+44 23 9269 9873

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