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Associated Organisations - Military

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Military Chaplaincies

The Royal Air Force Chaplains’ Branch

RAF Commissioned Chaplains are authorised leaders from the major world religions and provide pastoral and spiritual care for all personnel and their dependants irrespective of religious belief or status. Chaplains provide spiritual support, strength and guidance to service personnel and their families. They are a valuable source of personal well-being and guidance in times of war and peace.


The Naval Chaplaincy Service

The Naval Chaplaincy Service provides spiritual and pastoral support to the personnel of the Naval Service and their families, irrespective of their religion or belief.


The Royal Army Chaplains’ Department

For centuries the Royal Army Chaplains’ Department has ministered to soldiers in times of peace and war. They are proud to provide spiritual support, moral guidance and pastoral care to all soldiers and their families, irrespective of religion or belief.


Military Charities

Scottish Naval Military & Air Force Bible Society

The SNMAFBS is the Scottish equivalent of the NMBS and for the last 200 years they have been serving the spiritual needs of service men and women in Scotland. Normally, this service has been provided through requests from Chaplains and Scripture Readers, for many years this took the specific form of providing Bibles and New Testaments, as required, often in times of conflict. In more recent years, it has been recognised that Chaplains and Readers strive to cater for, the needs of combatants and their families not only in times of war, but also in peace.  As a result these families look for the presence of the Church in their midst providing for their wider spiritual needs, resulting in the Society expanding its offer of assistance to include, not just Scriptures, but also teaching material (The SNMAFBS do not have a website).

Royal Navy & Royal Marine Charity

Aggie Weston’s is here to help serving members of the Royal Navy, Royal Marines, and their families. They provide pastoral support around the country, and enable families to stay connected through projects. By its nature, naval life increases the risk of loneliness and isolation. Service personnel are usually geographically separated from the family and friendship network that most civilians have to support them. And when a couple chooses to settle in a Base Port area, the non-serving partner can easily become isolated during deployments. They are about helping the naval community live contented and fulfilling lives.

Aggie Weston’s

The RNRMC is the principal charity of the Royal Navy. They exist to support Sailors, Marines and their families for life. Beneficiaries lie at the heart of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity’s purpose, it is our duty to remain focused on their needs. Since 2007, we have funded projects and facilities that boost morale for those who serve today. We also distribute millions of pounds annually to military charities which care for the children, families and veterans of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines.

Armed Forces Christian Union

The Armed Forces’ Christian Union (AFCU), is an interdenominational, tri-service fellowship of Christians who wish to grow in their faith and share it with those with whom they serve. It seeks to encourage and build up Christians in the Armed Forces in their faith and to support evangelism and does this by producing literature, providing prayer support for serving members, organising activities and teaching holidays and weekends, and by personal visits.

Flame International

Flame International is a UK based charity with a vision to see people set free from the pain and trauma of war, terror or oppression.  Their mission is to release God’s healing, forgiveness and reconciliation to individuals and their land: healing, equipping, training, and supporting local leaders to make a positive and sustainable impact upon their communities and nations. They are a Christ-centred organisation and seek to follow Him and discern the Father’s plan for their work.


Methodist Forces Board

The Methodist Forces Board is responsible for a growing number of pastoral projects across the UK military.  These projects support local chaplains to extend their contact with service personnel and their families and our workers collaborate  with the local chaplaincy team. Their aim is to deliver reliable and compassionate Christian pastoral care to all, regardless of religion or belief.  Each project is shaped by local factors, and has a particular focus – for instance, one is focused on children and young people of military families, another on families of serving personnel.



Military Mission International

Military Ministries International helps Christians in the military to make a difference throughout many of the world’s trouble spots.
We are helping many of today’s military Christians be a force for good at an international level and our motto is Building Disciples – Shaping Nations. They seek to achieve their mission though facilitating conferences, seminars, retreats, symposiums, training events and the like at local, national, regional and international level throughout the regions we operate in: Africa, Europe South Asia and The Middle East.


Sandes is a highly respected Christian charity working to support those who serve in Armed Services and their families. The charity was started in 1869 by a young woman, Elise Sandes. She was deeply concerned for the welfare of English soldiers in her home town of Tralee who were scorned by civilian society. Today Sandes remains faithful to the same vision of providing friendship and support for the military community as a witness and practical expression of the Christian faith. Sandes Centres are currently located in Northern Ireland (Lisburn, Ballykinler and Holywood) and in England (Pirbright and Harrogate). The Centres fulfil a distinctive role being seen as a neutral, non-military space within the army camps. They provide catering and recreational facilities along with quiet areas for families and personnel of all ranks to unwind and relax in a homely atmosphere. 

Soldiers’ & Airmen’s Scripture Readers Association

SASRA’s Ministry is one of personal evangelism. Uniquely they are permitted, subject to Chaplain’s recommendation and Commanding Officers’ permission to visit soldiers and airmen in their accommodation, work and recreation areas. This is done with a view to befriending them and introducing them to the Lord Jesus Christ.